熱搜情報網 > 餐廳美食 > Sakunthala
新加坡Sakunthala的特色由以下條例所定義: 1. Sakunthala是一間新加坡知名的南印度美食廚房,由新加坡大衛羅士林分店創立於1978年,提供多樣化的南印度美食給客人。 2. Sakunthala是第一家在新加坡推行咖喱等獨特南印度美食的餐廳,也是開創南印度餐廳之先驅,因此享有在新加坡餐廳界的重要地位。 3. Sakunthala的特色菜色有蔥花炒咖哩雞、香茅豬腩、咖哩牛肉、咖哩芥蘭等。 4. Sakunthala不僅專精於南印度料理,更提供一系列極受歡迎的招牌飲料,包括杏桃汁、椰子汁及檸檬汁等。 5. Sakunthala的特色不只局限於食物,也提供清潔、舒適、友善的環境,確保客人能夠舒適的享用其料理。 6. 最後,Sakunthala亦時時為消費者提供不定期的優惠及促銷活動,讓客人能夠以更便宜的價錢享用其料理。
1. "Sakunthala serves up one of the most delicious, generous and reasonably priced Indian meals I have ever had. The naan bread was cooked to perfection, the chicken tandoori was succulent and the butter chicken was divine. The service was good and the staff were friendly and accommodating. Highly recommend!" - TripAdvisor Reviewer 2. "Had the dhal makhani and the butter chicken. Both were great, with the dhal being a bit spicier than expected but still great. The garlic naan was delicious as well as the yogurt and kulcha. Appropriately priced with friendly staff. Will definitely be back soon!" - Yelp Reviewer 3. "I had the best experience ever at Sakunthala's. The food was amazing, the staff was super friendly and helpful and the atmosphere was chilled and relaxed. Absolutely loved it!" - Google Reviewer
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