Endless summer衝浪國民小學

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Endless Summer surfing nation elementary school located in Pingtung County, Taiwan is a regular elementary school in Shizi Township. It was established in 2009 to promote the development of the tourism and leisure industry of Pingtung County. 

As the only regular elementary school in the county that offers a surfing-themed curriculum, the school offers a variety of courses and activities related to the ocean and water sports. All the teachers and staff members of the school have professional backgrounds in surfing, sailing and life-saving as well as teaching qualifications, providing a comprehensive and all-rounded education. 

In addition to the classroom activities, the school offers extracurricular activities such as sailing and water sports training, surfing competitions, and beach parties. With these activities, students can acquire physical and mental health knowledge, become familiar with outdoor activities, and cultivate a love for the ocean. 

Apart from its educational and extracurricular activities, the school has also set up a cultural center, which hosts various events such as exhibitions, films, and lectures to educate students on environmental protection. Through the school’s diverse range of activities, students can learn the importance of environmental responsibility, which can enhance their understanding of the ocean and its ecosystem.

Endless Summer Surf National Elementary School in Pingtung County has the following features: 

1. It provides year-round access to both swimming and surfing lessons, with classes available during the school holidays. 

2. The school provides a variety of courses and activities designed to meet the needs of different levels and ages of students. 

3. All courses are taught by qualified and experienced instructors, and safety is always a priority. 

4. The school offers a wide range of activities, including beach volleyball, beach running, and beach sprinting. 

5. In addition to the regular classes, the school hosts several special events during the year, including surf competitions, beach movie nights, and fun family activities. 

6. All students are encouraged to develop respect for the ocean and its inhabitants, with the school having a strong emphasis on environmental conservation. 

1. 國小的師資力量相當強大,能夠發揮多元教學的優點,讓孩子們能夠從多元的環境中學習興趣,讓他們成長得更豐富且開闊。

2. 該校的師長非常專注於學生的發展,並提供多元的教育設施,使孩子們能夠有效地學習能力,有助於他們全面發展,並增強團隊合作能力。

3. 學校提供豐富的活動和課程,讓孩子們擁有更多的機會去學習衝浪,自海灘體驗更加無限的夏天的來臨。

4. 學校師資和校風安靜細膩,務實踏實,給孩子們提供尊重自己想法的空間,一點一滴地激勵孩子新的發想。

5. 學校的全天候環境和校園設施供孩子們放鬆、學習及娛樂,可以讓孩子們玩得更開心。

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