熱搜情報網 > 餐廳美食 > The French Window
The French Window is a popular restaurant in Hong Kong that features a mix of classic French and modern international cuisine. The restaurant has a sophisticated atmosphere, and its menu offers a wide variety of dishes from around the world. The French Window specializes in traditional French dishes, such as escargot, onion soup, bouillabaisse, and steak tartare. The restaurant also features a selection of modern international dishes, such as Chinese, Japanese, Thai, and Indian cuisine. The restaurant also offers a wide selection of wines and spirits to complement its dishes. Diners can also enjoy views of the harbour and city skyline while they eat. The French Window offers a truly unique dining experience that combines French and international cuisine with a relaxed, sophisticated atmosphere.
1.「很棒的西餐!食物和服務都好,特別是他們提供的特色菜餚,讓人想再回訪!」(Lisa) 2.「菜色多樣口味濃郁;空間舒適悠閒,店內擺設飽滿更顯質感!」(Nancy) 3.「一層一層的火腿起司意大利雞肉蛋包飯,口感絕佳」(Peter) 4.「非常好吃!服務員服務態度好,還有各種酒類供您品嘗」(Tim) 5.「非常出色的環境、服務和食物,我特別推薦Chef's Special!」(Leo)
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