熱搜情報網 > 餐廳美食 > Pacific Caffe

Pacific Caffe


✉  香港錦綉花園元朗錦繡花園市中心B座地下A號舖 (行車路線)


☎ 2471 1209  (立即播打)   馬上註冊


**** 以上資料來自網路搜尋及整合,僅供參考 ***

Pacific Caffe in Hong Kong offers an array of unique and delicious beverages, from classic espresso to speciality coffees. Their barista is experienced and knowledgeable, crafting customised drinks with the freshest ingredients.

The cafe's signature drink, the Pacific Latte, is an espresso-based drink featuring a smooth blend of sweetened chicory, coconut and tropical fruit-infused syrups. It comes topped with a drizzle of nutmeg and honey, and is garnished with a sprinkle of mint leaves.

Pacific Caffe also has an outstanding selection of teas, from traditional Chinese jasmine tea to speciality chai-based varieties. Along with their signature drinks, they also offer innovative smoothies, milkshakes and frappes made with a variety of ingredients.

Customers will also appreciate the cafe's extensive selection of pastries and desserts, which complement their drinks perfectly. The cafe's signature offerings include freshly-baked cupcakes, tarts and pastries, made with the highest quality ingredients.

Pacific Caffe is the perfect spot for anyone looking for a warm and friendly atmosphere. With its huge selection of drinks and tasty treats, it is an ideal spot to enjoy a relaxing afternoon.


**** 以上資料來自網路搜尋及整合,僅供參考 ***

1. 景深食客:「Pacific Caffe的招牌烤芝士蛋捲,口味突出,滋味深濃,適合大多數人品嚐!芝士飽滿,蛋捲酥脆,嚐過可想而知,配上豆漿或土司則更滑順美味!」

2. 濕潤的餐桌:「Pacific Caffe的食物極為可口,焗烤雞肉湯包包裝精緻,口感酥脆,與醬汁配搭出色!也有其他令人讚嘆的美食,如吐司、蛋捲以及幾款經典熱飲。」

3. 銅釐評論:「Pacific Caffe有些獨特的美食,如蔬菜蛋包飯和盤仔煎蛋,均爲新鮮可口,老闆人很友好,調理速度快,氣氛和諧,是個可以細品美食的好地方!」

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Pacific Coffee Company 太平洋咖啡

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