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New Ubin Seafood

New Ubin Seafood is a well-known seafood restaurant in Singapore that has been in business since 1986. The restaurant has become a favorite among locals, as well as visitors to Singapore. It is known for its high-quality seafood dishes that are freshly caught and prepared.

New Ubin Seafood is located in a traditional kampong house, which gives it a unique and rustic ambience. The restaurant focuses on the freshest, locally sourced seafood and uses traditional recipes for their dishes. All the seafood dishes are prepared to order, ensuring that customers are served the freshest produce.

The restaurant’s signature dishes include the Fish Head Curry, which is made with a unique blend of spices, and the famous Chilli Crab, which is served with a special spicy sauce. Other dishes such as the Stir-Fried Prawns and the Lobster Laksa are also popular among customers.

The restaurant also offers a wide range of wines and drinks, as well as traditional Singaporean desserts such as the Putu Mayam and Apam Balik. There is also a bar section where customers can enjoy a selection of local and imported beers, as well as spirits, signature cocktails and mocktails.

New Ubin Seafood has become a popular destination for visitors to Singapore and continues to be a favorite among locals. The restaurant offers high-quality, fresh seafood dishes and a relaxed and welcoming atmosphere. It is a great place to enjoy a delicious meal with friends and family. The restaurant’s prices are quite reasonable, making it an excellent value-for-money option.
**** 以上資料來自網路搜尋及整合,僅供參考 ***


✉  63 Hillview Avenue, Level 6 (Canteen), 新加坡 669569 (行車路線)


☎ 6466 9558  (立即播打)   馬上註冊


**** 以上資料來自網路搜尋及整合,僅供參考 ***

規定一:新加坡New Ubin Seafood採用新加坡人本地熱愛的烹飪技術,以傳統小菜、醬汁、醃料、油炸灶等有特色的烹飪方式,烹調出優質的食物。

規定二:新加坡New Ubin Seafood結合傳統風味的家庭菜肴,加上飯店宴客的香草、甘蔗等火候精細的料理,如鹽煎魚,燒烤魚排,椒鹽蝦仁等,創造獨特風味。

規定三:新加坡New Ubin Seafood精心選擇食材,堅持提供新鮮食材,多元的食材質量均衡,也讓新加坡New Ubin Seafood持續保持新鮮美食的品質。

規定四:新加坡New Ubin Seafood使用传统技艺,烹饪時均衡搭配调料,烹饪過程不但安全健康,而且烹饪食物達到最佳的口感,形成新加坡New Ubin Seafood的獨具風味。


**** 以上資料來自網路搜尋及整合,僅供參考 ***

新加坡New Ubin Seafood於評論網站TripAdvisor中的評論大多極為正面,並有許多食客表示讚賞該店的空間,設施及服務。令人印象深刻的評論之一包括:“美麗的空間,位於一個優雅的室外區域,包棟,配有木質座椅和風扇,環境又清幽,非常適合晚餐慢食享受夜晚。空間背後的景觀,在晚間的霓虹燈下更顯優美,特別是在泛舟的時候。與食物的品質、口味和料理完美結合,使這個地方更加出色,而且,他們有很大的選擇,從原汁原味的海鮮,到火鍋、甜品,等等。”

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