熱搜情報網 > 餐廳美食 > 1345 Mookata
1. 新加坡的1345 Mookata是一間以泰式招牌蒸煮火鍋為特色的餐廳,在少數幾間提供這種菜餚的餐廳中並受到一般客戶的喜愛。 2. 1345 Mookata提供多種蒸煮火鍋料理,包括豬肉、牛肉、雞肉、蝦、魷魚、火腿、香肠等,還有多種植物,如木耳、香菇、豆腐、芹菜、豆芽、茄子、芥蘭、豌豆等,搭配多種精選調料可以藉此烹調出多種口味。 3. 1345 Mookata採用傳統泰式火鍋烹調,不僅口感特別,還可以烹製出膩口咸香的湯汁,以及厚厚的煎蛋表層,這也是1345 Mookata蒸煮火鍋受到客戶喜愛的原因之一。
1. "Mookata is the latest and the trendiest Thai steamboat-bbq restaurant in Singapore. The restaurant offers a large selection of seafood, meats and vegetable for customers to cook in a smoky hot plate. The cooks that are provided in the restaurant are friendly and attentive and the wait staff is very helpful. We had a great experience and would definitely recommend it to anyone looking for an enjoyable and reasonably priced meal." 2. "I love Mookata! It is the perfect place for a group gathering. The food is very tasty and the service is excellent. The staff are very friendly and helpful, and the atmosphere is perfect. Highly recommended for anyone looking for a great, authentic Thai meal experience." 3. "Mookata is a fantastic restaurant for a Thai meal with friends and family. The service is excellent and the staff is very attentive. The portions are generous and the food is cooked fresh and tasty. Highly recommend it for anyone looking for a unique experience."
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