熱搜情報網 > 餐廳美食 > Yue Wat Restaurant
1. “It's been about 18 months since I discovered this restaurant. I must say that the food is simply superb. The flavours and textures of the dishes are perfectly balanced, the meat and vegetables always cooked to perfection. I have to say that it is definitely one of my favourite Chinese restaurants in town!” 2. “Yue Wat is a really small restaurant but it packed a punch. I had their beef with black pepper sauce and it was amazing. The beef was soft and tender and the sauce was just perfect. I also had their egg custard bun and that was really delicious. Highly recommend this restaurant!” 3. “If you're looking for a tasty and traditional Chinese restaurant, then Yue Wat is the place to go. I absolutely loved the char siu and the crispy shrimp. The staff was also really friendly and helpful. Overall a great experience and I will definitely come back.”
阿玲古早味飯湯 小倉庫食研所 Yue Wat Restaurant 春夏秋冬火鍋 PUTIEN莆田 竹北光明店 熊之食-熊手包由於嘉義熊之食-熊手包是嘉義特有的一種甜品,所以不太容易外地
玉榮水餃小吃店 川桐手作燒肉新竹縣川桐手作燒肉店是新竹縣地區一間以「堅持手工燒肉」為宗旨
大月韓食創意料理 新派港式茶餐廳香港新派港式茶餐廳是一間位於尖沙咀的經典港式餐廳,以獨特
手工皮水餃家常牛肉麵 飯匙妹台南飯匙妹是一間在台南的本地美食店,它以強調台灣傳統風味
陶竹涮涮鍋 STAGE 手作.雜貨.藝文空間 怡逸軒 白哥小吃店台中白哥小吃店是一家深受當地民眾歡迎的美味小吃店,店內為客人
泰廚。 台中泰廚是台中市一家風格獨特、專營南洋菜的餐廳,創辦於
AP203Bar金門金城A店 愛泰農雲泰料理店 愛泰農雲泰料理店位於台中市南屯區,是一家專門為台灣年輕
福記鹹粥 四川席抄手澎湖縣四川席抄手是一家經營自家烹飪的中式料理餐廳,致