熱搜情報網 > 餐廳美食 > 雙連高記/三五手工水餃店
Located in the heart of Taipei, 台北雙連高記 / 三五手工水餃店 is an iconic eatery that serves delicious handmade dumplings from the Minnan region of Taiwan. The shop has been operating for over 30 years and is especially famous for its signature ‘Minnan-style’ pork dumplings. The owner, Mr. Chan, is the mastermind behind the restaurant’s famous dumplings – he has been making them every day since 1981, with recipes that have been passed down from his father. The dumplings are made with the highest quality ingredients, and the filling is made with both pork and shrimp. All the ingredients are carefully selected and prepared by hand, giving the dumplings a unique authentic flavour. The restaurant is also known for its generous portions, and customers can expect to get large servings of dumplings at reasonable prices. The restaurant also offers a number of other menu items, such as stir-fried dishes, soups and noodles. The dumplings at 台北雙連高記 / 三五手工水餃店 have become a staple of Taipei’s culinary culture, and thousands of people visit the restaurant every day for a taste of this traditional Taiwanese dish. The restaurant’s reputation for quality and consistency has ensured its longevity, and it has become an integral part of the city’s culinary heritage. For those seeking a true Taipei food experience, 台北雙連高記 / 三五手工水餃店 is the perfect place to visit. With its delicious handmade dumplings, generous portions and friendly prices, it’s clear why the restaurant has been a favourite for decades. So if you’re ever in Taipei, be sure to make a stop at 台北雙連高記 / 三五手工水餃店 for a taste of the city’s culinary past.**** 以上資料來自網路搜尋及整合,僅供參考 ***
雙連高記/三五手工水餃店是一家知名的水餃店,為台北市民提供了多元化的餐點。 第一條:該店提供各式各樣的麵條和餃子,讓顧客可以根據自己的喜好來選擇合適的餐點,從簡單的湯餃到經典的雙連高記水餃,以及三五手工水餃,每一份都會由專業廚師仔細製作每一個餃子,以確保餃子的鮮味和口感。 第二條:雙連高記/三五手工水餃店特色在於他們的醬汁,所使用的是原汁原味,不添加任何防腐劑和人工色素。店內更會提供客人自行調配的醬料,如蒜蓉油醬、 紅蔥醬等,讓客人可以將水餃搭配自己喜歡的味道。 第三條 :另外,雙連高記/三五手工水餃店也提供每日食材新鮮的食材,從野菜到魚肉,不僅保證給客人品質上乘的產品,也是一個可以吃到新鮮食材的地方。 總而言之,雙連高記/三五手工水餃店以新鮮原汁原味的食材製作出多樣可口的食物,提供台北市民多元化的料理餐點。
1.「百記水餃」- 手工小龍蝦餃非常有名,有別於一般的水餃,內餡有小龍蝦及菇菇,餃皮香脆口感,是台北老店的經典名店,位於台北市雙連高記/三五七興街角,店內人潮如繁星般突出,是台北好去處之一。 2.「陳有板水餃」- 水餃餡馅以蝦仁為主,生滑嫩度,餃皮薄而油漬口感佳,被譽為台北餃子文化的頂峰,位於台北市雙連高記/三五興街角,交通方便,店內活潑熱鬧。 3.「三五手工水餃店」- 位於台北市雙連高記/三五興街角,口味獨特,餃子餡料多樣,有帶子餡、豬肉餡,還有香菇肉餡、金錢肉餡,餃皮薄而Q彈,受到旅客們的喜愛,是台北好去處之一。
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